Greensboro Area News

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Greensboro, NC
Updated: 11 years 32 weeks ago

Zeek Rewards Winners Pay Back Money

Tue, 07/02/2013 - 00:03
"Net Winners" from Zeek Rewards are paying back $1.8 million.

Sheriff: Individuals Posing As Officers To Get Money

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 23:56
Sheriff BJ Barnes said someone is calling citizens telling them they owe money on a loan and there's a warrant for their arrest.

Home Remedies: Myth or Magic?

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 23:53
WFMY News 2's Eric Chilton gets answers home remedies are thet magic or myth.

Girl Dies At Stokes Family YMCA in King

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 23:50
A girl died Saturday in King at the Stokes Family YMCA. 

Fallen Trees Result In Power Outages In Greensboro

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 21:32

The Greensboro Police Department reports several power outages in the city due to fallen trees.



Wanted Man Arrested At Traffic Stop

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 21:25

A traffic stop ended in the arrest of a Winston-Salem man wanted on outstanding warrants by the Reidsville Police Department.


NC AG Issues Appeal To Energy Rate Increase

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 21:05

Roy Cooper, NC Attorney General, filed an appeal to the rate increase with the North Carolina Supreme Court.


AZ Wildfire: Special Tents Not Enough To Save Firefighters

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 19:33
Some of the firefighters killed in the Arizona wildfire tried to take cover under special tents they carry with them.

NC Senate Brings Out Tinkered Tax Overhaul

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 18:33
Senate leader Phil Berger unveiled Monday in committee a counteroffer to the House that would reduce the personal income tax rate, eliminate the corporate income tax and subject more transactions to sales taxes.

18 Firefighters Died Battling Arizona Wildfire

Mon, 07/01/2013 - 00:35

A fire information officer says 18 firefighters died after battling the Yarnell Hill Fire.

It's Official: Barry Rountree Is Police Chief In WS

Sun, 06/30/2013 - 23:44
Rountree is a 25 year veteran of the Winston-Salem Police Department.

Storms Damage Snow Camp Outdoor Theatre

Sun, 06/30/2013 - 23:39
Cast members returned from rehearsal Sunday afternoon to find a tree down across one of the main set pieces.

Voting And Gun Law Changes On The Fast Track

Sun, 06/30/2013 - 23:16

Republican leaders in the General Assembly are expected to put voting changes and gun legislation on the fast track this week.  

Rolling Thunder Honors POW/MIAs

Sun, 06/30/2013 - 22:41
The service was held at Rushwood Park Wesleyan Church in Asheboro.

State Finally Turning On New NC Medicaid System

Sun, 06/30/2013 - 19:51
The replacement for North Carolina's outdated Medicaid billing program is getting turned on 10 years after the first bids were sought to build it.

July 4th Fireworks Scrapped At Two NC Bases

Sun, 06/30/2013 - 19:46
Independence Day celebrations have been canceled at the Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base and at the Army's Fort Bragg, both in North Carolina.

State Speed Limit Hike Proposal Runs Out Of Gas

Sun, 06/30/2013 - 19:41
A proposal to raise the state's maximum speed limit to 75 mph has run out of gas.

Bragg Soldier Dies After Motorcycle Wreck

Sun, 06/30/2013 - 19:36
Nickel was taken to Cape Fear Valley Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

Flash Flood Watch In Effect Until 6 PM Tuesday

Sun, 06/30/2013 - 18:09
We are wrapping up a very wet June. July will begin in much the same way. Some spots could pick up a few inches of rain by mid week.

High Rain Chances Return For Sunday

Sat, 06/29/2013 - 19:14
Saturday brought a break for most of us. It's back to the afternoon thunderstorm grind on Sunday.